Thursday, January 16, 2014

COMMENTER SUGGESTION: List Your 5 Favorite Trilogies

I'm still getting warmed up to this whole "blogging" thing, so here is a list to help me further get into the swing of things. This was suggested to me by one of the commenters, so here we go.

Disclaimer: I am considering a trilogy in this case to be anything that was once a trilogy and then was added on to. For instance, "Indiana Jones" will count as a trilogy because I consider the fourth installment to be crap.

So without further adieu, here are my five favorite trilogies and why.

#5 Tremors

Like Indiana Jones, the Tremors series had a horrendous fourth movie added to it. So I'm not counting the fourth movie in this assessment. 

This is probably the odd man out in this list, as in I highly doubt any of you would list it as your favorite trilogy. These movies have a very rare combination of things. It takes the silliness and stupidity of a SyFy original movie but makes it into something that's actually good. 

The first movie was great thanks in part to some terrific star power. Kevin Bacon delivered a timeless performance and Reba McEntire did Reba things. 

After that, the movies hinged on the awesomeness of the worms and the silly things they evolve into. 

The series is a timeless classic, and I one I'll never get sick of. 

#4 Indiana Jones

Here is a more obvious choice. 

Excluding "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," Henry Jones Jr. kicked ass and took names for three wonderful films. He helped find the Ark of the Covenant, freed a bunch of slave children and saved Sean Connery from being killed by nazis. 

If I had to put the movies in order, it would probably go Last Crusade, Raiders, Temple of Doom. 

#3 Back to the Future

The Enchantment Under the Sea dance scene will forever be one of my favorite moments in movie history. The combination of Earth Angel and George McFly punching that ginger kid out gives me goosebumps every single time. 

Combine that with a car chase that involves a VW BUS AND A DELOREAN and you got yourself the beginning of one of the best trilogies ever. 

#2 Star Wars (Episodes IV-VI Obviously)

This is pretty self explanatory. I give episodes I-III a little more credit than most people, but they still don't touch the original trilogy. 

I've always been a lover of aliens and space travel, and Star Wars is basically the epitome that. 

Also, Star Wars has some of the greatest characters ever to hit the screen. Chewbacca, Yoda, Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo, Jabba the Hut and Bobba Fett would all make the cut in my top 50 characters of all time. But that's a blog for another day...

#1 Jurassic Park

Anyone who knows me saw this coming. Since I was in kindergarten dinosaurs have always been my favorite anything. Growing up, I always wanted to be a paleontologist. I had every Jurassic Park toy imaginable, and even today I am at level 75 in Jurassic Park Builder. 

I'll never, ever get tired of watching these movies. They're the kind of movies that I'd bring with me if I were stranded on a desert island and I could only bring three movies. 

So there you go, those are my top five movie trilogies. I hope you enjoyed the read, and I hope that it was entertaining in some way. If there are any other subjects you want me to make a list for, comment below!

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