Wednesday, January 15, 2014

UPDATE: This is Now a Dual Blog

Only 14 hours old now, I have received a lot of feedback and thoughts on what the direction of my blogging should be. Most seem to think sports should be my mantra, but focusing on the goofier side of things (like the entire NBA). I have also had suggestions that I review CDs and movies.

Honestly, I want to do all of it. Due to this, I have made a slight tweak to the blog...

Hence forth, I shall be blogging with none other than Thomas Buttner to maximize the subject matter covered here.

We like many of the same things, so our writing should work seamlessly with one another.

For those of you who don't know him, he has been one of my closest friends since our days of playing volleyball together in high school. We watch football on a weekly basis and have shared a romantic viewing of Despicable Me in the movie theater together.

Appropriately, I have also renamed the blog to "Danny & The Butt." 

Let's all welcome Buttner to the mix.

We'll write about a variety of things. From sports and movies to TV shows and dogs/cats. Let's have some fun with this. 

P.S. Should this thing have its own Facebook page? Would that make sense?

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