Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Third Greatest Intro Post You Will Ever Read!


I'm the Butt. The name derives from my last name Buttner, which everyone calls me. I'm currently in my last semester of college at the greatest university UMASS Amherst! Studying Communications which is such an easy major. I only go to about 15% of my classes every semester and somehow pass them.

What makes me qualified to write an internet blog is that I have no life. So that means I'm always on the internet, which helps me understand what people are looking for. Which is anything to keep their attention. Whether that be reviews about a topic they're interested in, or porn, or finding a funny picture they like, or porn. The internet has it all.

I watch movies and TV most of the day as well as playing a bunch of video games. I'm currently playing some Pokemon on the gameboy, which I hope is still a cool thing to do.

My biggest downfall is that I have red hair, which means I have no luck with the ladies. So I'll have plenty of time to write endless blogs about random stuff that I think needs to be talked about like a proper way to eat oreo's. My mortal enemy is the sun, cause even in the winter I still get sunburns. Really...I do it sucks.

While my partner Danny wants this to be somewhat clean topics, I can't promise that my language or content will be PG rated.

I doubt people care but since Danny did some of his favorite things I'll do the same.

Favorite Movie: Tied between Dazed and Confused and Anchorman
Least Favorite Movie: Lady in the Water, to this day the only movie I have ever walked out on
Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks
Favorite Actress: Amy Adams
Favorite Tv Show- Lost

PS- Just to clarify Danny was my backup in high school volleyball, and i missed 3 games with an injury and in my first game back i nearly tripled his kill total.

PPS- I am better looking than in that photo he posted, but not by a hard 6 easily.

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